Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Luke Gregerson Is In The Fold


The Redbirds recently sent you over to the Drinos as the last piece of the blockbuster Khalil Greene-for-Two-Unknown-Minor-League-Pitchers deal that set the baseball world on fire last Fall. I'm not sure folks in the know - or those out of the know, for that matter - have calmed down yet from considering the potential implications of that monster deal. ESPN has not stopped talking about it. The MLB Network has updates on the trade running at the bottom of the screen about every 6 seconds. Barack Obama even fielded a question about it during his press conference last night.

People just can't get enough of this deal and now you are the final piece of the puzzle. You're that hard to fit middle piece with no clear markings on any border. Fame has been thrust upon you, Luke, and I hope you're the man to handle it.

True, it's going to be hard to avoid the spotlight pitching in San Diego or Portland or San Antonio, or wherever else you might end up, but by God I know you can weather the storm and come out the other end smelling like roses.

Or something like that.


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