Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crisis In Padre BlogLand

Everybody calm down!

Within the last week no less than three of the top Padres blogs in the entire world have announced significant changes in their structure and management.

It all started on March 30th when Geoff Young, the dean of Drino bloggers, announced that he will only post to Ducksnorts once a week this summer. I find this news perplexing and disappointing, even perplexappointing. If Geoff doesn't write about the Padres at least three times a week ... well, I'm not going to say the world will end, but I'm not ruling that out as a possibility.

Then, that same day, Myron Logan announced that he was stepping down as administrator of Friar Forecast and passing the reins of that well hung operation over to Daniel "Danny" Gettinger. Myron provided no reason for his abdication except to write, mysteriously, that "real life has caught up to me, I guess."

For shame, Myron, for shame. If Padre blogging is not real life, then toss me in a casket right now.

As if all that wasn't enough, yesterday, on April Fool's Day, jbox of Gaslamp Ball wrote that he too is giving up blogging because his compadre, Dex, no longer blogs much anymore and jbox does not like going it alone. This is most likely an April Fool's Day prank - or so this humble blog hopes - but it raises concerns about the consistency and depth of GB coverage this summer. If they falter then what will I do seven times a day when I check the site for updates and summaries of XX 1090 radio interviews? Read old posts? Write my own comments to old posts? Lame. Trust me, no one wants that.

What I'm getting at here is that I hope everyone gets their act together - these three great Padre blogs included - and realizes this is a critical summer for the Padres and we need all hands on deck to support the team. This is a time when we need more Padres coverage, not less.

Bottom line is that everybody needs to take it up a notch. Tomás Krasovic and Corey Brock seem to be doing their part. Now where are the venerable bloggers that I have followed every day for the past few years? This is no time to let down your fans by focusing on family and gainful employment. This is the time to write insightful, analytical and sometimes humorous articles about the Padres that are read by dozens of people.

As Sean Astin said in The Goonies, "Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here!"

And that's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket.

Lets get r dun!

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