Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where Is Everybody?

Roll call:

- Kevin Correia is on the mound against the San Francisco Baseball Giants, losing 2-1 in the top of the 3rd;

- my advisor Tatt Mareeco is sitting on his sofa watching Rafael Nadal play in the U.S. Open;

- my advisor Geleaux is sitting on his sofa watching the Giants-Padres game and watching Rafael Nadal play in the U.S. Open;

- my wife, Mrs. Bevormo, is at the U.S. Open with some friends watching Rafael Nadal play live in the U.S. Open; and

- I am sitting in my office at 10:58 PM EST doing the Man's work under flourescent lightbulbs and surrounded by reams of paper and the roar of the night cleaning crew vaccuming the hallway carpet.


PS - E-mail sent from my wife to me about an hour ago:

"U.S. Open celebs in attendance (in no particular order): The Donald, Michael Phelps, Tony Bennett, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban.

"Bevormo's office celebs in attendance: none."


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