Friday, July 30, 2010

$20.4 Million Guaranteed

Imagine knowing that no matter what happens, you're getting paid $20.4 million dollars over the next 5 years.

And the odds are you're going to get quite a bit more than that. As much as $36 or so million.

I'd be down with that. Like Antonio in the photo above, I would definitely wear a flowy, unbuttoned, light blue dress shirt, with white pants, and strut around smiling.

I'd probably also get a nice house in La Jolla or Del Mar, nothing too flashy, but comfortable, with a view of the ocean.

Then I'd get an apartment in Manhattan for weekend trips to the Apple, just a small place of course, and a villa in either Spain or Italy. Not a huge place, like Clooney's pad on Lake Como, but something modest and nice, with a view of the mountains or a clear body of water.

I'd buy a car too. Probably a Mercedes SUV or a Range Rover. Nothing flashy like a Ferrari or Porsche. I wouldn't want to overdo it.

Of course I'd need to take a vacation to celebrate the fact I'm making all this money. Nothing extravagant. I've heard Brazil is nice, and I've always wanted to see Tibet and Thailand, but I'm not talking a Grand Tour with baggage handlers and sherpas and red carpets. Though that would be nice. I should check on the going rate for sherpas.

All in all, knowing you're making up to $7 million a year for the next 5 years wouldn't be a bad thing.

As long as you don't get all crazy with the spending.

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