Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chris Britton ... "Middle Relief Monster"


Yesterday, I was sitting at my computer when one of my advisors, Geleaux, e-mailed me this missive he pulled from a Joe Sheehan chat on Baseball Prospectus:

"San Diego Padres: You can't possibly be sick of me pumping up Chris Britton, who is all set to ape the Heath Bell career path. Relief pitcher with lots of skills washes out of a New York organization, heads to San Diego, and becomes a middle-relief monster."

Sheehan was discussing non-roster invitees across the league and pegged you as someone to watch. To be specific, he pegged you as a "middle-relief monster." Now I'm not generally a fan of Sheehan's work, but I'm not about to disagree with him on this one.

Anything you can do to get the Drino bullpen back on track won't be overlooked by this humble blog.

Good luck and enjoy the next month or so of Spring Training.

Or as I call it: "Prelude to the Diego."


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