Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adrian Tries Sneaky Bunt ... It Fails


Don't be discouraged. I thought that sneaky bunt you tried leading off the bottom of the 9th against Jonathan Broxton last night was brilliant. The Padres needed baserunners at that point and a solo bomb wasn't going to do much to make up the 3-run deficit. Torre had the hated Dadgers in a shift against you and you thought you'd sneak a bunt down the third base line and waltz over to first.

So crafty.

Unfortunately you bunted the ball right back to Fats Broxton and he calmly threw you out. Chase and Kouz then promptly struck out - a common refrain - and that was that. 5-2 Dadgers.

But I'm already over it because it's a whole new day and a whole new ballgame starts in about 15 minutes.

I'll be watching on Because that's what I do.


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